
Salon & Spa

Cloud POS

This best-in-class package combines robust software with powerful hardware to deliver an unparalleled POS solution for your salon or spa!

Powerful Features For

Salons & Spas

Appointment Calendar

Manage upcoming appointments for all of your service providers with support for both scheduled appointments and walk-in customers.

Customer Database

Keep all of your customer information organized with the ability to view upcoming appointments, add custom notes for their preferences and upload photos of previous styles.

Walk-In Management

Efficiently manage walk-ins by finding the first available service provider, or customers can choose to wait for their preferred service provider.

Retail Functionality

Full retail functionality enables you to sell a wide range of products in addition to your service offerings.

Multi-Station Support

Assign each appointment to a specific booth or chair for easy multi-station tracking.

Employee Management

Manage all of your service providers, with detailed labor reports including commission tracking.


Email & Text Reminders

Remind your customers of upcoming appointments via email or text to avoid missed sessions.

Hair Salons

Nail Salons

Massage Therapists


Barber Shops

Tattoo Parlors

Pet Groomers

Tanning Salons

Get a Top Level View of your Business With

Robust Reporting

Harbortouch puts valuable data at your fingertips so that you can make more informed decisions about your business.

The lowest cost of ownership for any POS system on the market

No up-front software costs!*

Only $39/month!

Lifetime equipment warranty!**

PLUS 30 day trial period!

A custom solution for Salon & Spa stores, this software meets the unique needs of the spa market. Efficiently manage your business so that you can focus on what’s important: keeping your customers satisfied and spending!

Email an AHTPOS Rep for full details.

Employee Reports

  • Appointment metrics
  • Commissions
  • Call list
  • Earnings report
  • Payroll report
  • Sales performance
  • Time clock
  • Tips report

Customer Reports

  • Analysis report
  • Balance report
  • Big spenders
  • Client list by employee
  • Call list
  • Appointment management
  • Reward points
  • Walk-in customer report

Product Reports

  • Best sellers
  • Cost of goods sold
  • Cross selling report
  • Inventory reports
  • Returned items

Sales Reports

  • Sales by employee, product,
    customer and more
  • Daily closeout
  • Deleted tickets
  • Discount report
  • Hourly, daily and monthly sales
  • Refunded tickets
  • Tax reports


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